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Date(s) - 30/07/2018 - 04/08/2018


Boundary Waters Canoe Trek. Will set up at daily campsites and make QSOs until 0130 UTC daily on trek. Itinerary will take us to Knife Lake, then back southeast through Ima Lake and Lakes 4, 3, 2, and 1 to pickup point. Will most likely work 40/20 meters due to time of day and latitude. Radio is Xiegu CS108G+ at 10W off batteries. Antenna is OCFD and will (hopefully) be up around 30-40’ daily. Hoping that one or two stations will try to work a schedule with us every evening on the trek so

Vic Ely, MN, United States
Grid: EN48jc,   48.087734, -91.202792
DXCC: K,   ITU:06-08,   CQ:03-05